We offer financing plans through Care Credit https://www.carecredit.com/. Financing plans make it easier to get the dentistry procedures you want.
We are happy to offer patients a wide range of financing options including interest-free and extended-term plans. Some plans do require a minimum charge.
By opening a Care Credit account, you can use the program for future treatments if you decide to have more at a later day without having to reapply. Enrolling is easy and can be done in our office or at home through the Care Credit website https://www.carecredit.com/.
Call us today to schedule your free consultation. We will be happy to discuss financing options with you.
We also accept all major credit cards.

1. What is CareCredit?
CareCredit is a personal line of credit for healthcare treatments and procedures for your entire family, including your pets. It works like a credit card but it has two advantages. It can only be used for healthcare services and you can get No Interest* financing every time you use it. Simply pay your minimum monthly payment and pay off the entire balance by the end of your promotional period and you pay No Interest. If you need more time to pay for your procedure, you can take advantage of our extended payment plans with low, fixed interest rates.
2. Where can I use CareCredit?
Your CareCredit card can be used at over 100,000 participating healthcare practices nationwide for services including LASIK, Veterinary, Dentistry, Cosmetic Treatments, Cosmetic Surgery, Hearing Care and more. Once you have CareCredit you can use it over and over without reapplying for you, your family, and even your pets!
3. How is CareCredit different from my Visa or MasterCard?
Save your consumer credit cards for household or unplanned expenses! Unlike your Visa or MasterCard, CareCredit is exclusive for healthcare services and you can get No Interest* financing every time you use it. If you need more time to pay for your procedure, you can take advantage of our extended payment plans with low, fixed interest rates.
4. CareCredit seems too good to be true. How does CareCredit work?
Over 100,000 healthcare practices around the country accept CareCredit, and the use of CareCredit allows doctors to focus on delivery of the best possible healthcare, instead of costs.
5. The website states CareCredit is a GE Money Company. What does that mean?
We know credibility is important to you. That’s why we like to let you know that CareCredit is a GE Money Company, which means you can rest assured that you’re getting the most credible and trusted financial partner available. For over 20 years, we’ve helped over seven million cardholders get the procedures they want and need. To learn more about the wide range of consumer financial services offered by GE Money, click here.
Plan and Provider Details
6. What is a CareCredit payment plan?
CareCredit offers a full range of payment plans. Our 3, 6, 12, & 18 month No Interest* payment plans feature monthly payments as low as 3% of the balance and let you pay within the specified time without incurring interest charges. Simply make your minimum monthly payment and pay off your entire balance during the agreed upon time period, and you’ll pay no interest.
For patients/clients with higher treatment fees who would prefer more time to pay with lower monthly payments, our 24, 36, 48, & 60 month extended payment plans* offer a low, fixed 13.9% interest rate and an extended term.
Not all practices offer every plan. To find out which plans are available in your provider's practice, be sure to speak with the office manager or financial coordinator.
7. How can I find out what payment plans my provider offers?
Not all practices offer every plan. Contact your healthcare provider to find out which plans they offer. Be sure to speak with the office manager or financial coordinator.
8. I want a CareCredit “No Interest” plan, but the application states that there is a “variable APR.” What does this mean?
You can get a “No Interest” plan every time you use CareCredit. At your appointment, you and your doctor can discuss which plans he offers what works best for you and your budget. Not all practices offer every plan. Contact your healthcare provider to find out which plans they offer.
You will only pay the “variable APR” if you do not meet the terms of the promotion. You will only pay this interest rate if you do not pay off your account in full during the agreed upon time period or you do not make the minimum payment on the account when due. For complete details please read the Terms and Conditions within the application.
9. My doctor offers a No Interest Payment Plan, so why is there an interest rate listed in the application?
All purchases qualify for “No Interest.” Simply make your minimum monthly payment and pay off your entire balance during the agreed upon time period, and you’ll pay no interest.
You will only pay the “variable APR” if you do not meet the terms of the promotion. You will only pay this interest rate if you do not pay off your account in full during the agreed upon time period or you do not make the minimum payment on the account when due. For complete details please read the Terms and Conditions within the application.