Our newborn son seemed an extremely colicky baby. He couldn’t sleep and eat normally, cried for an hour before bed, and was in continuous pain. He was in need of constant comfort, and rejected other people. We spent our days getting gas bubbles out of his belly in a thousand different ways (unpleasant included), trying to feed him, calm him, or rock him to sleep. Tried dieting to rule out breast milk as a cause of gas, different drops, brews, and compresses from colic, endless methods of preparing for bed and positioning him to eat and sleep. From about 2 months old he learned that eating is pain, and refused feeding at night, making him so hungry towards dawn that he’d intake even more gas with milk. From there he would sleep about 15 minutes at a time most days.
At about 3 months Dr. Rapoport noticed the baby had a severe tongue tie. That clicked as what must have been so wrong with our baby. It was not a common colic. Because of tongue tie he swallowed incorrectly in taking painful amount of gas bubbles.
At 5 month old, Dr. Rapoport performed the procedure with the laser. From that day, there was no need for removing of gas bubbles (intrusive and otherwise), no constant source of severe pain. Sleep and eating habits gradually became normal for an infant, and our daily lives improved drastically. Thanks to Dr. Alla Rapoport.
Inna P.
For years, as result of the injury, I had puffy dark blue cyst in the middle of my lower lip. I had to wear dark lipstick to cover the dark blue, but you could still see the puffiness. I contacted doctors several times, had some injections done, but cyst always came back. I was told that surgical removal of the cyst is out of the questions, because it will leave a deep scar.
One day my dentist doctor Rapoport told me about laser treatment. After few procedures my cyst was discolored and not puffy anymore. It is practically unnoticeable and I don’t have to wear lipstick to cover it. Thank you doctor Rapoport.
Mira F.
Recently had laser treatment on my cold sore, which was on my lip. The laser was amazing! It was painless, quick, and after two treatments my cold sore was gone. All in all my cold sore was gone after about three days, which is way better than letting it go, or taking medicine for it. I definitely will do the laser again if I ever get another cold sore.
Amanda H.
My husband and I have had gum problems for 12-15 years. Each of us had gum surgeries, deep cleanings, etc. Nothing has really helped. Then we met Alla Rapoport DDS. After the oral exam she suggested to us a new procedure called “laser gum treatment”. We agreed and now we very happy with the results. Our gums got rejuvenated, stopped bleeding and getting infected. We forgot about the bad smell from the mouth. This was the most fortunate decision we made in our life. We want to thank doctor Alla for her great help to our health.
Maya R.